There are chinchilla cages readily available in pet stores but of course there are some things to consider. The cage should cater to all the needs of your pet. It is important that the cage should be big enough for your pet to run around, climb and play. This is essential, as chinchillas are energetic and curious little animals. Chinchilla cages are often much taller than they are wide, and can resemble a bird cage in some respects.
Although they are nocturnal animals it does not mean that they best aquarium filter large tanks have to spend most of the day sleeping. If you give them something to keep themselves occupied with, they will still be quite active during the day. Giving a piece of cardboard, wood, or specially made chew toy is one recommended way of the keeping them busy because they love to chew. Chewing also helps in keeping their teeth filed down since their teeth are always growing. They love to chew so much, in fact, that if you don’t give them plenty of material to chew they will begin to gnaw on the metal cage, which is bad for them, and irritating for you, the owner, because it makes a loud and obnoxious noise.
One thing you don’t want in your chinchilla’s cage is a bowl of water. They should always be fed with a hanging water bottle. This is because chinchillas should never get wet because the water will work its way close to the skin, and due to the density of the chinchilla’s fur, it won’t evaporate. This can cause fungus to form on the skin, and the fur to rot. If you’re concerned about how you’ll clean your chinchilla, they actually take dust baths. A dust bath should be available at regular intervals because this is how they keep clean, and they simply love to roll around and play in the dust.
If you can’t find the perfect cage, you can create your own instead. It’s the best option available when you think that cages that are sold in stores will not satisfy your chinchillas needs. This will let you add more features to the cage if you desire. You can add accessories, toys or any other things that your pet needs. Besides, you know what’s best for your pet.